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What is Folk Art, Meaning of Folk Art

  Have you ever wondered what folk art is? Well, in simple words it´s an expression of culture in the form of visual art, and every folk art form has a unique way to convey that in terms of their use of colors or patterns. It is a distinctive type of art form made by the people of any indigenous community, and through their art they represent their own community´s value, taste and tradition. So, basically a folk artist shares with the world, what he or she has learned from the community, or their family or maybe even occupation. A folk artist may learn the skills in an informal community setting, or it may be passed on through generations, or sometimes they are formally trained.   Madhubani Art from India Unlike fine art, folk art has a naïve approach and often misses proportion. It may be expressed through the usage of bold figures, repetitive patterns or vibrant colors. It is often hand crafted, utilitarian and decorative and may not just limit to paintings, but also it has been

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